“Evolution 2045” - the Party of Intellectual, Technological and Spiritual Breakthrough. Manifesto
The Initiative 2045 announces the creation of its own political party — "Evolution 2045" — in order to advocate for a new strategy for human development.
This is a Russia-based party, but its goals are international and global. Our ultimate goal is to inspire other countries to follow suit, and compete not in the arms race, but in the race for building a bright future for mankind.
We invite everyone who shares our ideology of the future to support the idea of creating an international political union by organizing a party similar to "Evolution 2045" in their country. We will be happy to provide the necessary informational support. Please contact us for more information.
We exist on the threshold of a radical global change. Environmental, political, anthropological crises and other global problems that confront humanity are constantly deepening. Our civilization is like a ship out of control, sailing in the storm with ever increasing speed, without a map or compass. At the same time there is little time for making the right decisions. We face a choice: either to enter a new dark-age by the middle of this century and sink into global chaos as forecasted by scientists or find and realize a new model of human civilization.
We are in need of a new paradigm for human development. We need a new ideology and new ethics. We need new ways of thinking. Instead of focusing on consumerism and wars, let’s achieve human evolution through the reorganization of our bio-social nature. Our lives are limited by our biology and Earth-bound ways of existence. This reorganization will mean changes in our values, our consciousness, the fostering of new meanings and life goals that would widen the horizons of our existence. It would open up unheard-of vistas of self perfection, new understandings, and foster our creativity and spirituality.
For the first time in human history evolution can become manageable. We have already made significant progress in the study of our biological self-organization, in organ prosthetics, in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics. The evolution of convergent technologies opens up the creation of self-organizing systems capable of reproducing the functions of biological life and consciousness on non- biological carriers. This is the way of trans-humanist transformations, the replacement of biological evolution with cybernetic evolution. The motivating force for the development of biological evolution is a human being’s inevitable death. For cybernetic evolution, however, death ceases to be inevitable, and immortality for humain beings becomes a key factor. This unlimited lifespan enables new opportunities for learning, creativity, self-development and space exploration.
Could such a shift in evolution happen by itself? Not Likely! At the moment humanity has no long-term plan for its further development. It is prone to inertia and short-term thinking. A large part of our political and intellectual elites passively or cautiously look at the achievements and possibilities of scientific and technological progress. The transhumanist change is often dismissed from the outset.
But despite the risks and costs, transhumanism carries a real opportunity for our civilization to reach a higher stage of development.
The “2045 Initiative" has decided to establish a new political party "Evolution 2045". Our Party's mission is to implement a new strategy for evolutionary development of human civilization until the year 2045. We strive to not only ensure the survival of our civilization amidst ever worsening global crisis’, but also reach a higher level of control over our reality. We will reach new goals, create new meanings and values, and form humane, ethical and high-tech architecture of world order.
We propose to widely spread new ideas of guided human evolution based on the technology of cybernetic immortality. We advocate continuous and purposeful development of a highly ethical neo-humanity. We will offer a strategy for continuous self-improvement of society, individuals, their mind and body.
We will start a new era of mega-projects and open up the era of great and glorious deeds. We will lift, not just Russia, but all of humanity from its knees. We will help humanity out of its dull, downward spiral. And we will help it to become strong, confident, optimistic, prosperous and immortal — ready to rush to new heights!
We will exceed the very limited organic nature of the human species and escape from the shackles of worldly gravity to neo-humanity.
This is the time for good, wise, creative, strong and self-confident people to join our call. It's time to live not for material gain, but for the sake of high ideals and goals. It's time to wake up and move forward!
We want to inspire humanity to not be paralyzed by obstacles, but think like geniuses, in futuristic, creative, strategic and paradoxical ways. We aim to expand the frontiers of consciousness, strengthen the power of the spirit and foster faith in the creative potential of the mind. We aim to fully support the optimistic perspective on reality despite the current widespread skepticism and gloom. Great goals generate great energy! Our ideology is a source of inspiration and creative prowess.
Others can label us dreamers and unrealistic, but we have our feet grounded in reality! Our program is based on the spiritual and intellectual power, creative will, clear scientific principles, and the latest achievements in Science.
The creation of such a party is long overdue and meets the urgent needs of our time. Many people, including political leaders are well aware that experts say that by mid-century, there may come a phase of destructive chaos with unpredictable consequences. Yet there is no decisive action to counter it in the present world. What we have is a lack of an effort to solve crises, and governments resorting to pathetic half-measures that essentially leave things unchanged.
Our party directly confronts the issues above. The crisis of our civilization troubles the minds of many of us, and there is a growing number of those who are ready to act. We are counting on their support.
Relationship With Existing Powers
The party does not intend to win votes through a populist platform based on a critique of the current government. Our task is not the change of power, but the creation of a wide social demand to convince world’s government leaders to create a new strategy for society.
Relationship with other social and political organizations
We would welcome it if other political parties constructively accept our ideology and contribute to its spread in Russia and the world. We are open to cooperation with any interested organization. We plan to put forward our candidates for working in various state and social structures in order to achieve our objectives.
The Party’s organizational structure
Along with the more traditional management structures of a political party, "Evolution 2045" will hold a Research & Ethics Council. Their function is to consult with the leading scientists, public figures and representatives of various religious denominations who support our ideology.
Harnessing support
To attract genuine supporters of our ideology, we plan to form the governing bodies and the regional structures staffed by people willing to work on a volunteer basis.
The Initiative 2045 announces the creation of its own political party - "Evolution 2045" - in order to advocate for a new strategy for human development. This is a Russia-based party, but its goals are international and global. Our ultimate goal is to inspire other countries to follow suit, and compete not in the arms race, but in the race for building a bright future for mankind. We invite everyone who shares our ideology of the future to support the idea of creating an international political union by organizing a party similar to "Evolution 2045" in their country. We will be happy to provide the necessary informational support. Please contact us for more information.
1. We will develop, promote and implement a new ideology and strategy of bodily and spiritual human evolution, in order to reach a new stage of human civilization. This phase will be associated with the a radical widening of human creativity and its cybernetic immortality.
2. We will radically change the image and status of the scientist, researcher and engineer in our society. We want to create an efficient system that encourages the development and work of young scientists. We want to foster a "factory" of bright minds in order to grow the new Tsiolkovskies and Einsteins — the true stars of the future society.
3. We will attempt to implement a cultural revolution, achieve a sharp rise in the level of mass education, and promote the establishment of special training programs for schools and universities.
4. We will support the efforts aimed at improving the level of mass culture, spiritual and moral health of society and spiritual development, without any restrictions on the freedom of speech, creativity and self-expression. We want to create conditions for a new inter-faith dialogue on the strategy for human evolution.
5. We will establish an international organization on the scale of UNESCO or even the United Nations in order to bring together the efforts of political parties and social movements of the world under the auspices of our ideology of the future.
6. We will promote the formation of a new intellectual elite: people capable of new, futuristic ways of thinking, free from dogma and ready-made ideas, people ready to take responsibility for the steady and purposeful development of humanity, preservation and development of human intelligence on a cosmic scale.
7. We will develop all forms of cooperation with existing transhumanist, scientific and educational organizations and foundations in order to implement a new strategy for human evolution. We will help in the creation of charitable foundations supporting the ideology of bodily and spiritual evolution and its possible immortality.
8. We will organize an international research and development center for the implementation of a mega-project to create avatar technology and medical technologies of the new generation. We will focus on the creation of cybernetic limbs and organs in order to transfer individual human consciousness to a more capable carrier — a designed body. We also aim to eventually create a new medicine of immortality.
9. We will introduce a legislative initiative "on Universal Right for Cybernetic Immortality" that would be implemented along with such technological development. Human desire for immortality is the natural extension of the will to live.
10. We will develop and implement a social program to ensure access for the world’s population to the latest technology of medical prosthetic limbs, sight and hearing while the technology of a more capable body is created. We need to ensure that people with disabilities can become people with extra abilities!
11. We shall start a broad discussion and the scientific study of philosophical, ethical, and humanistic psychological problems of a transhumanist and anthropological future of humanity. We’ll seek out expert opinions and track the consequences of any decisions during the implementation of a new strategy for human evolution.
12. We will contribute to the development, discussion and public acceptance of mankind's space expansion strategy with the development of "avatar technologies" for the next 100 years.